South East Vet Referrals

Independent, accessible expertise

We are an independent referral service led by experts in their fields, motivated by providing the very best service at accessible prices.

Based at the custom-built veterinary hospital in Sevenoaks, we offer the highest standards of care with a focus on clarity of communication with our veterinary colleagues and compassion for our patients throughout the South East of England.

We are initially accepting neurology referrals and will scale up our service rapidly. Our neurology service is led by Dr Rodolfo Cappello, a diploma-holder and leading specialist with years of experience seeing cases around the world.

To find out more about our service, get in touch with our team:

South East Vet Referrals

Independent, accessible expertise

We are an independent referral service led by experts in their fields, motivated by providing the very best service at accessible prices.

Based at the custom-built veterinary hospital in Sevenoaks, we offer the highest standards of care with a focus on clarity of communication with our veterinary colleagues and compassion for our patients throughout the South East of England.

We are initially accepting neurology referrals and will scale up our service rapidly. Our neurology service is led by Dr Rodolfo Cappello, a diploma-holder and leading specialist with years of experience seeing cases around the world.

To find out more about our service, get in touch with our team:

SouthEast Vet Referrals


South East Vet Referrals

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